Sunday, July 09, 2006

Keepin' on

Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything, as you can imagine we've been soooooo busy. The container finally arrived from America after being tied up in Jamaican customs for quite some time. Although we weren't here when it arrived, (we were in Negril on a family day) we have been helping to put things away. The day the team from Texas left, a group of 28 from Cincinnati came. The first day they were here we set up a tent in town for a 3 day VBS. Since the van only holds 15, we had to make multiple trips into town taking the team and the kids here to VBS and back. One day it rained like crazy and while the team was trying to keep the tent from falling down, Dulcie, Penie and I (along with a few teens) were trying to unload the boxes in the garage that was flooding! Luckily we were able to move everything onto crates and nothing was majorly damaged.
On Wednesday evening we set up a projector and screen at the tent. The projector was just donated to KBM and really blessed them. The screen was a sheet. Since we'd been having VBS there all week, everyone was told about the movie night with popcorn and kool-aid. The main feature was Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. They loved the movie, but I learned something I never knew...Narnia is a comedy. They laughed at things I never would have, but found myself enjoying their sense of humor. It was fun to see them reacting with enthusiasm.
The team leaves tomorrow and on Tuesday, Jim and Penie leave for the states for a week, so Dulcie and I will be in charge. Please pray that the kids don't tie us up and feed us crackers! No, really, they are great kids who are just It gets a little nerve-racking once in a while, but we grow to love them more and more everyday.
It's hard to believe that our summer is half gone and we'll be returning home in just a few weeks. We are really looking forward to a team from our church coming down the first week of August, but we also know that a week after they leave, we go home. We're still praying that God will show us just how we fit in to the grand scheme of things here. We want to do His will for our lives, and are willing to follow Him where ever He leads us. Until next time...God Bless us every one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to see all of you!